Šarh al-bina
Iako je forma pisanja tafsira u moderno doba isti kako bi se tekst objasnio i postao prikladan, postoje i druge oblasti u kojima se ulaže napor za tumačenje kuranskog teksta u svetlu savremenog i naučnog racionalizma. Najstarije delo s takvim pokušajem napisao je Sajid Ahmad Kan (umro 1898). Njegov savremeni, ali nepotpun komentar ovog predmeta imao je jednostavan naslov - Tafsir al-Kuran (Tumačenje Kurana). Pokušao je da protumači pitanje otkrovenja, čuda i poruku Kurana u svetlu postojeće prosvećenosti na zapadu. Da bi ohrabrio društvene i obrazovne reforme, pokušao je da načini ravnotežu između zapadnih i istočnih ideja i da ih potkrepi Kuranom.
Though the mood of tafsir writing in modern times is the same to make the text understandable and relevant, there have been other areas in which attempts are made to interpret the Qur'anic text in the light of "modern and scientific reason". The earliest effort in this area was of Sayyid Ahmad Khan (d.1898). His modernist but incomplete subject wise commentary was entitled simply Tafsiral-Qur'an. He tried to interpret the question of revelation, miracles and the message of the Qur'an in the light of available "enlightenment" from the West. To encourage social and educational reforms he tried to strike a balance between western and eastern ideas and find support in the Qur'an.
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