Hašiya ala minla Galal
Hasan, Mahmud
Islam began when Muhammad became thirty-seven years old. Initially, the mission was kept a secret. Then three years after the advent of Islam, he was ordered to commence the open declaration of his message. This was the occasion when God revealed the verse "And warn your nearest relations,". When this verse was revealed, Muhammad organized a feast that is known in history as "Summoning the Family - Da'watdhul-'Ashira". He invited around forty men from the Banu Hashim and asked Ali to make arrangements for the dinner. After having served his guests with food and drinks, when he wanted to speak to them about Islam, Abu Lahabibn 'Abdul Muttalib forestalled him and said, "Your host has long since bewitched you." All the guests dispersed before Muhammad could present his message to them.
Islam je nastao kada je Muhamed napunio trideset sedam godina. U početku, misija je bila tajna. Potom, tri godine posle nastanka islama, bilo mu je naređeno da započne otvoreno da obeznanjuje svoju poruku. To se dogodilo kada je Bog otkrio ovaj stih: "I upozori svoje najbliže rođake." Kada je taj stih otkriven, Muhamed je priredio gozbu koja je u istoriji poznata kao "pozivanje porodice - Da'watdhul-'Ashira". Pozvao je četrdesetak ljudi iz Banu Hišam i zamolio Alija da pripremi večeru. Pošto je goste poslužio hranom i pićem, kada je poželeo da im govori o islamu, Abu Lahab ibn Abdu l-Mutalib ga je preduhitrio i rekao: "Vaš domaćin vas je odavno zamađijao." Svi gosti su se razbežali pre nego što je Muhamed uspeo da im prenese svoju poruku.
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