Mir’ātu l-’uṣūl
, Mawlā ẖusraw
ibn as-Sayyid Muṣṭafā, As-Sayyid Muḥammad
When the Prophet does something as an act of 'ibaadah (worship), but he does not command its performance, then what is correct is that this action of his is indicative of it being mustahabb(recommended). If he does something as an act of 'aadah (custom or habit), then it is indicative of it being mubaah (permissible). Whatever the Prophet acknowledges of statements and actions, then the ruling is one of ibaahah (permissibility), or other than it, according to the manner in which he acknowledged such statements and actions. Year of publishing: 1714.
Kada prorok uradi nešto kao činvere (ibada), ali ne zapovedi da to i druge čine, tada je ispravno da se njegov postupak protumači kao ukativanje na ono što je preporučeno (mustahab). Ako učini nešto kao postupak običaja ili navike(ada), onda je to ukazivanje na ono što je dopušteno (muba). Ma kakvu izjavu ili postupak prorok potvrdio, pravilo pripadati dozvoljenog (ibaha) ili pre načinu na koji je potvrdio takve izjave i postupke. Godina izdavanja: 1714.
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