Naslov (ara)

Hāšiyatu sūrati n-Nabā’


al-Busnawî, Muḥammad ibn Mūsā (Allamek Muhamed Music Bošnjak)

Opis (srp)

Islamski istoričar i hagiograf Muhamed bin Ishak zabeležio je u svojoj knjizi Sira da je osamnaesto poglavlje Kurana (u kojem se nalazi i priča o Aleksandru Velikom) Alah otkrio islamskom proroku Muhamedu na osnovu nekih pitanja koja su postavili rabini što su boravili u gradu Medina - stih je otkriven tokom mekanskog perioda Muhamedovog života. Po Ibn Ishaku, Muhamedovo pleme, moćni Kurejš, bilo je izuzetno zabrinuto za svog saplemenika koji je počeo da se izdaje za proroka pa je poželelo da se od rabina dobije savet u vezi sa tim pitanjem. Pleme Kurejš je poslalo dva čoveka medinskim rabinima s razlogom što ovi raspolažu većim znanjem o svetim spisima i o Božjim prorocima. Dva čoveka iz Kurejša su rabinima opisala svog saplemenika Muhameda. Godina izdavanja: 1622/23.

Opis (eng)

Muslim historian and hagiographer, Muhammad bin Ishaq, reported in his book Sira that the eighteenth chapter of the Qur'an (which includes the story of Dhu l-Qarnayn) was revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad by Allah on account of some questions posed by rabbis residing in the city of Medina - the verse was revealed during the Meccan period of Muhammad's life. According to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad's tribe, the powerful Quraysh, were greatly concerned about their tribesman who had started claiming prophethood and wished to consult rabbis about the matter. The Quraysh sent two men to the rabbis of Medina, reasoning that they had superior knowledge of the scriptures and about the prophets of God. The two Quraysh men described their tribesman, Muhammad, to the rabbis. Year of publishing: 1622/23.






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