Ḥāšiya ‘Allāmek ‘alā šarḥi l-mawāqif
al-Busnawî, Muḥammad ibn Mūsā
Kada je Muhamed umro, Umar je poricao njegovu smrt tvrdeći da će se vratiti i preteći da će odrubiti glavu svakome ko se saglasi sa njegovom smrću. Abu Bakr, pošto se vratio u Medinu, razgovarao je sa Umarom i tek tada je on priznao da je Muhamed umro što su sve šiiti shvatili kao Umarovu varku kako bi odložio sahranu i tako Abu Bakru (koji je bio odsutan iz grada) dao vremena da se vrati u Medinu. Kada je Muhamed umro, njegovi najbliskiji rođaci, Ali i Fatima, preuzeli su odgovornost za telo. Dok su bili zaokupljeni pranjem tela i pripremom za sahranu, u Sakifi se odigravao tajni skup za koji Ali i muhadžirun nisu znali što se završilo time što je Abu Bakr izabran za novog vođu.
When Muhammad died, Umar denied his death stating rather that he would return back, and threatening to behead anyone who acceded to his death. Abu Bakr, upon his return to Medina, spoke to Umar and only then Umar did admit that Muhammad had died, this all was perceived by the Shia as a ploy on Umar's partto delay the funeral and thus give Abu Bakr (who was outside the city) time to return to Medina. When Muhammad died, his closest relatives, Ali and Fatimah, took charge of the body. While they were engaged in washing the body and preparing it for burial, a secret meeting, of which Ali and the Muhajirun weren't told, was taking place at Saqifah, which ended with Abu Bakr being chosen as the new leader.
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