Naslov (tur)

‘Aǧā’ibu l-maḫlūqāt


Yiyaǧān, Aḥmed

Opis (srp)

Glavni centri sektaških tendencija u ranom periodu islama bili su, u stvari, van Arabije, u Siriji i Iraku, gde su se nalazile prestonice prvih vladarskih dinastija, Umajada i Abasida. U tom smilu, neprekinuta administrativna i kulturna baština Vizantije i Persije uticala je na razvoj teoloških i političkih perspektiva u ranom islamskom svetu. Srednjovekovna islamska zajednica nikada nije bila monolitna niti jednostŽvna grupa pa elaboracija istorijske perspektive nije bila ni jednostavna ni trenutna.

Opis (eng)

The main centers of sectarian affiliation in the early period of Islam were, in fact, outside Arabia, in Syria and Iraq, where the first ruling dynasties, the Umayyads and Abbasids respectively, had their capital cities. As such, the continued administrative and cultural legacies of both Byzantium and Persia affected the development of theological and political perspectives in the early Muslim world. The medieval Muslim community was never a monolithic or simple collective group, and the elaboration of the historical perspective was neither simple nor instantaneous.






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