Al-Kutubu l-muta‘alliqa bi uṣūli l-fiqh
Ponekad se šerijatska pravila (ah kamu š-šarija) uzimaju iz primenjenog značenja (mafhum) što se definiše kao da ukazuje na pravilo usled saglasnosti sa tekstom, u slučaju gde je mafhum jednak ili jači od mantuka. Ili divergentnim značenjem ako se mafhum razlikuje od mantuka dok je mantuk povezan sa atributom (vasf) ili uslovom (šart) u odsustvu kojih se pravilo razlikuje.
Sometimes the ahkaamush-shar'iyyah is taken from the mafhoom (implied meaning); which is defined as that which is indicative of the ruling due to being in agreement with the text; in cases where themafhoom is equal to, or stronger than the mantooq. Or by divergent meaning if the mafhoomdiffers from the mantooq in its ruling; whereas the mantooq is linked to a wasf (attribute) or a shart (condition), in the absence of which the ruling differs.
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Islamsko pravo
Islamic law