Naslov (ara)

Risāla fī ādābi l-baḥṯ


as-Samarqandî, Muḥammad


as-Sīnūbî, Muḥammmad

Opis (eng)

The usage of nouns and adjectives in Arabic also differs in some significant ways from English. First, there are three ways to designate number, not just the "singular" and "plural" forms. There is also a "dual" form, used for situations where the noun refers to two, and exactly two, things. Such instances occur more often than you might think: all of the parts of the body that come in pairs (such as eyes, hands, ears, feet, legs) are normally dual. Further, unlike English, where most plurals are formed regularly by adding to the word the suffix *--(e)s and only a few plurals are irregular, like "children," "men," "feet," and so on, in Arabic the situation is reversed. Most plurals are formed irregularly (called in Arabic "broken" plurals, because they "break up" the consonant structure of the singular word) and only a few are formed by adding the regular suffixes at (for inanimate objects and female human beings) or un (for male human beings). Year of publishing: 1662.

Opis (srp)

Korišćenje imenica i prideva u arapskom takođe u značajnom vidu se razlikuje od srpskog. Prvo, postoje tri načina da se označi broj, ne samo jednina i množina. Postoji i oblik dvojine koji se koristi u prilikama kada se imenica odnosi na neka dva, i to isključivo dva pojma. Takvi slučajevi su češći nego što bi se moglo pomisliti: svi delovi tela koji su u paru (kao što su oči, ruke, uši, stopala, noge) su po prirodi u dvojini. Uz to, nalik srpskom u kojem se pravilna množina gradi u zavisnosti od roda i deklinacije i gde je nepravilna množina česta pojava, sličan slučaj je i u arapskom. Većina oblika množine pravi se nepravilno (što se u arapskom naziva slomljena množina jer se narušava suglasnička struktura reči u jednini) i svega nekoliko njih se obrazuje dodavanjem regularnog sufiksa-at (za nežive predmete i ženski oblik živih bića) i -un (za muška živa bića). Godina izdavanja: 1662.






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