Iṯbātu l-wāǧib
ad-Dawānî, Muḥammad Ibn As‘ad
Umar pushed his way into the house; Fatimah, who was pregnant, was crushed behind the door. She miscarried her unborn son, whom the Shia mourn as Muhsinibn Ali. She had been injured by Umar and soon died. Ali buried her at night, secretly, as he did not wish Abu Bakr or Umar, whom he blamed for her death, to attend her funeral. The Shia thus blame Abu Bakr and Umar for the death of Muhammad's daughter and grandson. Some Shia believe that Ali took pity upon the sufferings of his devoted followers and gave his submission, hisbay'ah, to Abu Bakr, only after Fatimah, Ali's wife and daughter of Muhammad who was angry with Abu Bakr when he refused to give her right to the inheritance of the garden of Fadak. It may be because of the sake of unity that he might have helped them in matters of jurisprudence and administration but could never admit his obedience to them.Other Shia say that Ali did not give his allegiance, but only refrained from pressing his claims. Whatever happened, superficial unity was restored. Year of publishing: 1642/43.
Umar je provalio u kuću; Fatima, koja je bila trudna, udarena je vratima. Pretrpela je pobačaj nerođenog sina kojeg šiiti oplakuju kao Muhsina ibn Alija. Umar ju je povredio i ubrzo je umrla. Ali ju je sahranio tajno, noću pošto nije želeo da sahrani prisustvuju Abu Bakr i Umar koje je optužio za njenu smrt. Šiiti stoga krive Abu Bakra i Umara za smrt Muhamedove kćeri i unuka. Neki šiiti veruju da se Ali smilovao patnjama svojih odanih sledbenika pa se pokorio Abu Bakru tek posle Fatime, svoje žene i keri Muhameda koji se naljutio na Abu Bakra pošto je ovaj odbio da joj da pravo na nasleđivanje vrta Fadak. Uzrok tome može biti jedinstvo što im je možda pomogao u pravnim pitanjima i upravi, ali nikad nije mogao da im prizna vlastitu poslušnost. Drugi šiiti vele da se Ali nije pokorio već se samo suzdržao od nametanja svojih potraživanja. Ma šta da se desilo, ponovo je uspostavljeno površno jedinstvo. Godina izdavanja: 1642/43.
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