Naslov (ara)

‘Alā šarḥi Iṯbāt al-wāǧib


, Mīr Ziǧān

Opis (eng)

Shahadah is a saying professing monotheism and accepting Muhammad as God's messenger. The shahadah is a set statement normally recited in Arabic: ašhadu an lailahaillá l-Lahu (waashhadu 'anna) Muhammadanrasulu l-Lahi " there is no god except ALLAH and Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH." Also, it is said that when dying one should recite this declaration of faith. In Azaan (call to prayer) it is recited. Reciting this statement is a key part in a person's conversion to Islam. Salat is the Islamic prayer. Salat consists of five daily prayers: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha'a. Fajr is performed before the light of dawn, Dhuhr is performed when the sun starts to decline from its zenith, Asr is performed in the afternoon, Maghrib is the sunset prayer, and Isha'a is the evening prayer. Each prayer consists of a certain amount of rakaat (positions).

Opis (srp)

Šahada je glasno izgovoreno svedočanstvo da je Bog jedan i da je Muhamed njegov prorok. Šahada je izjava koja se uobičajeno izgovara na arapskom: "ašhadu an lailahaillá l-Laha (waashhadu 'anna) Muhammadanrasulu l-Lahi, nema boga osim jednog Boga i Muhamed je Božji prorok." Isto tako, kaže se da bi u trenutku umiranja pojedinac trebalo da izgovori ovu izjavu vere. U azanu (pozivu na molitvu) ona se glasno izgovara. Izgovaranje te izjave nalazi se ključni deo u čovekom prihvatanju islama. Sala je islamska molitva. Sala se sastoji od pet svakodnevnih molitvi: fadžr, zuhr, asr, magrib i išaa. Fadžr se sprovodi pre svitanja, zuhr se izvodi kada sunce počne da opada sa zenita, asr se izvodi posle podne, magrib je molitva u vreme zalaska sunca i išaa je večernja molitva. Svaka molitva se sastoji od određenog broja raka (položaja).






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