Kitāb ‘alā Taşkopru
, Şeherli zāde
The development of rhetoric ('ilm al-balagha) was defined by theological works, in fact interperetation of the Quran. The Holy Book was a model with numerous examples so there was a clear emphasis on reconstructing the intentions of the speaker. In this case, 'ilm al-balagha could be considered as a hermeneutic discipline, means of exegesis of the Quran, rather than rhetoric itself. On the other side, various forms of rhetoric were cultivated in certain profane cases.
Razvitak besedništva je određen teološkim delima, u stvari tumačenjem Kurana. Sveta knjiga je bila uzor brojnih primera pa je postojao jasni naglasak na rekonstrukciju namere govornika. U ovom slučaju besedništvo bi se moglo smatrati hermeneutičkom disciplinom, sredstvom za tumačenje Kurana pre nego sama retorika. S druge strane, u određenim svakodnevnim slučajevima, razvijene su razne forme retorike.
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