Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Raḥmani r-Raḥim, al-ḥamdu li l-Lah Rabbi l-'alamin...


al-Ḫādimî, Abū Sa‘īd Muḥammad ibn aš-Šayḫ al-Muṣṭafā

Opis (srp)

To je jedini sufijski red koji tvrdi da direktno vodi poreklo od duhovne linije/lanca (silsila) veze sa prorokom Muhamedom preko Abu Bakra, prvog halife i Muhamedovog saborca. Ta linija se posredstvom Džafara as-Sadika takođe posredno povezuje sa Alijem, Muhamedovim rođakom, zetom i četvrtim halifom. Nasuprot tome, većina sufijskih redova (turuk) tvrdi da je povezana posredstvom Alija. Smatra se da se prenos duhovne linije ili silsile od jednog do drugog šejha uspostavi u vreme smrti ili sahrane ili posle toga. To nije pitanje zemlje, porodice ili politike već je prenos od jednog do drugog srca. Smatra se, isto tako, da će imenovani šejh biti u svojevrsnoj vezi sa prethodnim šejhovima. U svakom trenutku, naravno da će biti mnogo drugih šejhova koji će, naravno, dugovati vlasti tu duhovnu pokornost prema trenutnom učitelju silsile.

Opis (eng)

The Naqshbandi order is over 1,300 years old, and is active today. It is the only Sufi order that claims to trace its direct spiritual lineage/chain (silsilah) to the Islamic prophet Muhammad, through Abu Bakr, the first caliphand Muhammad's companion. This lineage also indirectly connects to Ali,Muhammad's cousin, son-in-law and the Fourth Caliph, via Jafar as-Sadiq. In contrast, most other Sufi orders (turuq) trace their lineage through Ali. It is considered that the transmission of spiritual lineage or silsilah, isdirectly from one Sheikh to another, at or after the time of death or burial. It is not tied to a country, family or political appointment, but is adirect heart to heart transmission. It is also considered that the appointed Sheikh will be in some communication with past Sheikhs. At any one time, there will of course be many other Sheikhs, who will all naturally owe their bay'ah "spiritual allegiance" to the current master of the silsilah.






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