Ḥaqā’iqu d-daqā’iq
ar-Rāzî, Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr ibn ‘Abd al-Qādir
al-’Ipekî, Muḥammad Ibn Yūsuf
For the purposes of Islamic law and practice, citizenship has more to do with the relationships between people and the state than with religious concerns. Of course, in the modern era, the notion of community in general, let alone a religious community, has changed in myriad ways. New technologies, especially the Internet, mean that parts of the Islamic world that are far-flung can be in communication in real time. Ethnic identity becomes less meaningful when there are so many Muslim immigrant communities becoming established in parts of Europe and in the United States. Year of publishing: 1601.
Zarad islamskog prava i prakse, pojam građanstva ima više veze sa odnosom između ljudi i države nego sa verskim pitanjima. Naravno, u savremenom dobu, spominjanje zajednice uopšte promenilo se na bezbroj načina. Nove tehnologije, naročito internet, znače da prostrani delovi islamskog sveta mogu biti u vezi u realnom vremenu. Etnički identitet postaje manje značajan kada postoji tako mnogo emigrantskih islamskih zajednica koje se uspostavljaju u delovima Evrope i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Godina izdavanja: 1601.
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