Naslov (srp)

Ničeova etika i kritika morala : doktorska disertacija


Agatonović, Miloš, 1986-


Dobrijević, Aleksandar, 1971-
Đurić, Drago, 1961-
Cekić, Nenad, 1963-

Opis (srp)

Predmet ovog rada jeste Ničeova etička misao, dok njegov cilj predstavlja određenje etičke teorije koja je implicitno sadržana u Ničeovim spisima i fragmenatima. Glavni deo teorije izložićemo u dva poglavlja pod naslovima “Ničeova etika” i “Ničeova kritika morala.” U poglavlju “Ničeova etika” predstavićemo Ničeovo etičko stanovište, čineći to u tri koraka. U prvom koraku, potpoglavlju koje nosi naslov “Tri lica Ničeove etike,” uz pomoć novijih interpretacija pokušaćemo da otkrijemo koje sve vrste vrednosti čine osnovu Ničeove etike. Takođe ćemo ukazati na problem “jeste-treba jaza,” koji novije interpretacije prepoznaju kod Ničea, i ponuditi rešenje tog problema koje bi prema našoj interpretaciji podrazumevalo “tlo” života kojem su vrednosti imanentne. U drugom koraku, u potpoglavlju “Normativnost Ničeove etike,” raspravljaćemo o formalnim karakteristikama Ničeovog normativno-etičkog stanovišta uz pokušaj određenja značenja termina “etika” koji se može pripisati Ničeu, vrsta normativnih pojmova koje njegova etika podrazumeva, kao i odnosa između normativnih i nenormativnih, i između etičkih i neetičkih pojmova. Treći korak, potpoglavlje “Afirmacija života: ideal Ničeove etike,” treba da otkrije osnovne karakteristike koje čine sadržaj Ničeove etike, njegove osnovne normativne zahteve, koji, ako su zadovoljeni u konkretnim primerima, predstavljaju ideal koji on suprotstavlja asketskom idealu koji poriče život. Pokazaćemo da je to ideal afirmacije koji kod Ničea ima dvostruki smisao, smisao poboljšanja, težnje za višem, podrazumevan u njegovom učenju o volji za moć, i smisao prihvatanja status quo-a, održanja, podrazumevan u učenjima o večnom vraćanju istog i amor fati. Dva smisla afirmacije predstavljaju opšte karakteristike Ničeovog ideala koji se na različite načine manifestuje u različitim kontekstima života...

Opis (srp)

Filozofija - Etika / Philosophy - Ethics Datum odbrane: 30.3.2017.

Opis (eng)

The subject of this work is Nietzsche’s ethical thought, while its goal represents determination of the ethical theory which is implicitly contained in Nietzsche’s writings and fragments. The main part of this theory is going to be posed in two chapters under the headings “Nietzsche’s Ethics” and “Nietzsche’s Critique of Morality.” In the chapter “Nietzsche’s Ethics” we are going to present Nietzsche’s ethical view, doing that in three steps. In the first step, the subchapter with a heading “Three Faces of Nietzsche’s Ethics,” with the help of recent interpretations we will try to discover all kinds of values that constitute the ground of Nietzsche’s ethics. We are also going to point at the “is-ought” problem which recent interpretation recognize in Nietzsche, and to suggest a solution to that problem which according to our interpretation would assume “ground” of life to which values are immanent. In the second step, in the subchapter “Normativity of Nietzsche’s Ethics,” we are going to discuss formal characteristics of Nietzsche’s normative-ethical account trying to determine the meaning of the term “ethical” that could be ascribed to Nietzsche, the kinds of normative concepts which his ethics assumes, and also the relations between normative and non-normative, and between ethical and non-ethical concepts. The third step, the subchapter “The Affirmation of Life: Ideal of Nietzsche’s Ethics,” should discover the basic characteristics that constitute the contents of Nietzsche’s ethics, its basic normative demands, which, if satisfied in concrete examples, represent the ideal that he contrasts with the ascetic ideal that denies life. We are going to show that that ideal is the ideal of affirmation which in Nietzsche has a twofold sense, the sense of enhancement, the tendency to higher, assumed in his doctrine of will to power, and the sense of acceptance of status quo, of a preservation, assumed in the doctrines of eternal recurrence and amor fati. Two senses of affirmation represent the general characteristics of Nietzsche’s ideal which is in different ways manifested in different contexts of life...






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OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Etika

Fridrih Niče, normativnost, distinkcija između etike i morala, problem “jeste-treba jaza,” Brajan Lajter, naturalizam, afirmacija života, volja za moć, Ničeova kritika asketskog ideala, Ničeova kritika moralizma i paternalizma

OSNO - Opšta sistematizacija naučnih oblasti, Etika

Friedrich Nietzsche, normativity, ditinction between ethics and morality, “is-ought” problem, Brian Leiter, naturalism, affirmation of life, will to power, Nietzsche's critique of ascetic ideal, Nietzsche's critique of moralism and paternalism