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Iṯbātu l-wāǧib


ad-Dawānî aṣ-Ṣadīqî, Muḥammad Ibn As‘ad


ibn Ša‘bān ibn ḥusan, Mūsā

Opis (srp)

Šahada (aš-šahadah)(od glagola: šahida, on je bio svedok) znači znati i verovati bez sumnje kao svedok, potvrda; to je ime islamske veroispovesti. Šahada je islamski izraz vere u jedinstvenost Boga (tavhid) i prihvatanje Muhameda za proroka. Izjava izgleda ovako: (la ilaha illallah, Muhammad rasulu-llah) Nema boga osim jednog Boga, Muhamed je Božji prorok. U tradicji šiitskih muslimana postoji dodatak wa Ali-yyun wali-yyu-llah[iAlijevali (podnamesnik) Boga"]. Rec šahada jeste imenica koja potice od glagola šahida što znači posmatrati, svedočiti ili potvrditi; kada se koristi u pravnoj terminologiji, šahada predstavlja svedočanstvo o dogadajima kao što su dugovanje, preljuba i razvod. Godina izdavanja: 1713/14.

Opis (eng)

The Shahada (Arabic: aš-šahadah) (from the verb šahida, "he witnessed"), means"to know and believe without suspicion, as if witnessed"/testification; it is the name of the Islamiccreed. The shahada is the Muslimdeclaration of belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet. The declaration reads:(la ilaha illallah, Muhammad rasulu-llah) (inArabic) There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. In the tradition of the Shia Muslims, there is the addition of wa ?Ali-yyun wali-yyu-llah ["and Ali is the wali (viceregent) of God"].The word Shahadah isa noun stemming from the verb shahida meaning to observe, witness, or testify; when used in legal terms, shahadah is a testimony to the occurrence of events such as debt, adultery, or divorce. Year of publishing: 1713/14.






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