[... fi ḥadd al-bud wa l-kitab maṣdar wa huwa fi l-luġa al-ǧam...]
ibn ḥabib, Faḍl Allāh
Postoji veliki broj osoba među prvom generacijom posle Muhameda poznatih po tome što su se bavili tafsirom budući da je islam prihvatio veliki broj ljudi pa je višestruko povećana potreba da se izučava Kuran. Isto tako, sam prorok i njegovi brojni pratioci nisu više bili živi da bi pružili uputstvo pa je stoga trebalo uložiti veći napor kako bi se zadovoljila ta potreba za ispravno razumevanje Božje knjige. Među prvom generacijom posle Muhameda, s obzirom na poreklo i područje aktivnosti razlikuju se tri grupe tumača Kurana: mekanska, medinska i iračka. Year of publishing: 1787.
There are many more persons from among the tabicûn known for their preoccupation with tafsîr, because many more people had embraced Islam and the need for knowledge about the Qur'ân had increased manifold. Also, the Prophet himself and many of his Companions were no longer available to give this guidance, and therefore greater efforts had to be made to satisfy this need for proper understanding of the book of Allah.Of the mufassirûn from among the tabicûn one distinguishes three groups, according to their origin and area of activity: those from Makka, those from Madina, those from Iraq. Godina izdavanja: 1787.
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