Šarḥu Iṯbāt al-wāǧib
The two acts in Islam are observing or perceiving that there is no god but God and testifying or witnessing that Muhammad is the messenger of God. In a third meaning, shahādah can mean martyrdom, the shahid (martyr) demonstrating the ultimate expression of faith.A single honest recitation of the Shahadah in Arabic is all that is required for a person to become a Muslim. This declaration, or statement of faith, is called the Kalima, literally "word". Recitation of the Shahadah, the "oath" or "testimony", is the most important of the Five Pillars of Islam for Muslims. Non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam do so by a public recitation of this creed. Technically the Shi'a do not consider the Shahadah to be a separate pillar, but connect it to the Aqidah. The complete Shahadah cannot be found in the Quran, but comes from hadiths. Year of publishing: 1713.
Dva čina u islamu jesu spominjanje ili doživljaj da nema božanstva osim Boga i provera ili svedočanstvo da je Muhamed Božji vesnik. U trećem značenju šahada može značiti mučeništvo, šahid (mučenik) koji pokazuje krajnji izraz vere. Jedno iskreno izgovaranje šahade na arapskom jeste sve što je potrebno da bi neko postao musliman. Ta izjava ili svedočanstvo vere naziva se kalima, doslovno reč. Izgovaranje šahade, zakletve ili svedočanstva, muslimanima najvažniji je od pet stubova islama. Nemuslimani koji žele da se preobrate u islam to čine tako što javno izgovaraju ovo uverenje. U tehničkom smislu, šiiti ne smatraju da je šahada odvojeni stub islama već je povezuju sa akidom. Potpuna šahada se ne nalazi u Kuranu već proističe iz hadisa. Godina izdavanja: 1713.
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