Naslov (ara)

Šarḥu Iṭbāt al-wāǧib


aš-Šīrāzî, Mīrzā Ǧān ‘Alî


Ibn Ša‘bān, Mūsā

Opis (srp)

Samo jedno iskreno izgovaranje šahade jeste sve što je potrebno da bi pojedinca postao preobraćenik u islam na osnovu najtradicionalnijih škola (madhaba). Dvaput izgovoriti frazu ašhadu anna (ili slično) = svedočim da ili svedok sam da. Vrlo često se izostavlja. Šiiti ovako izgovaraju kalimu: "Ašhadu an la ilaha illa-llaha, wa ašhadu anna Muhammad(an) Abduhu wa rasuluhu wa ašhadu anna mulana Ali-yyun wali-yyu-llah.", a zakletva sada znači: Svedočim da nema božanstva osim Boga i svedocim da je Muhamed Božji sluga i vesnik i svedočim da je Ali Božji vali (predstavnik). Poslednja fraza nije obavezna kod svih šiita. Oni smatraju da je Alijev valajat očigledan i da nije potrebno da se to izrekne. Godina izdavanja: 1714.

Opis (eng)

A single honest recitation of the Shahadah in Arabic is all that is required for a person to convert to Islam according to most traditional schools (madhab).In usage the two occurrences of ašhadu ʾanna (or similar) = "I testify that" or "I bear witness that..." are very often omitted.Shia recite the kalima as follows: "ʾAšhadu an lā ʾilāha ʾilla-llāha, wa ʾašhadu anna Muḥammad(an) ʾAbduhu wa rasūluhu wa ʾašhadu ʾanna mūlānā ʾAli-yyun wali-yyu-llāh.", and the oath now means: "I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that Mohammad is God's servant and His Messenger and I bear witness that Ali is God's wali (representative)." The last phrase is optional to some Shia. They feel that Ali's walayat is self-evident and need not be declared. Year of publishing: 1714.






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