Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, al-ḥamdu li l-Lah aš-šakirin wa ṣ-ṣala wa s-salam...
The rights of the asaba, the male agnate relatives of the deceased, were recognised by the Prophet Muhammad himself. Abdullah ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet Muhammad said, "Give the Faraid (the shares of the inheritance that are prescribed in the Quran) to those who are entitled to receive it. Then whatever remains, should be given to the closest male relative of the deceased." (Sahih al-Bukhari)The Shia jurists on the contrary took the view that since the old agnatic customary system had not been endorsed by the Quranit must be rejected and completely replaced by the new Quranic law.
Prava asaba, muških rođaka sa očeve strane preminulog, priznao je lično prorok Muhamed. Abdulah ibn Abas je izvestio da je prorok Muhamed rekao sledeće: "Podajte faraid (delove nasledstva koji su propisani Kuranom) onima koji su stekli pravo da ga prime. Onda, ono što preostane trebalo bi da bude dato najbližem muškom rođaku preminulog." (Sahih al-Buhari) Šiitski pravnici,s druge strane, držali su se stava da stari običajni sistem očinskog nasleđivanja treba biti odbačen i potpuno zamenjen novim kuranskim pravom budući da nije potvrđen u Kuranu.
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