Naslov (tur)

Šarḥu Bustāni Šayẖi Sa‘dî Efendî


, Šam'î Efendî


ibn al-Ḥāǧǧ Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥāǧǧ Ḥusayn, Al-Ḥaǧǧ Muṣṭafa Çawuš

Opis (eng)

Due to the Mongol Empire invasion of the Muslim World, especially Khwarizm andIran, Saadi like many other Muslims was displaced by the ensuing conflict thus beginning a 30 year journey. He first took refuge at Damascus and witnessed the famine in one of the most efficient cities of the world. After the frightful Sack of Baghdad in 1258 by Hulegu and the Ilkhanate Horde, Saadivisited Jerusalem and then set out on a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina.Saadi then visits MamlukEgypt, of Sultan Baibars. He mentions the Qadis, Muftis of Al-Azhar, the grand Bazaar, music and art. At HalabSaadi joins a group of Sufis who had fought arduous battles with the Crusaders. Further Saadi travels to Turkeyand visits the port city of Adana and the wealthy Ghazi landowners in Anatolia. Year of publishing: 1612.

Opis (srp)

Usled invazije Mongolskog carstva na islamski svet, naročito Horezm i Iran, Sadi je poput mnogih drugih muslimana promenio prebivalište zbog predstojećeg sukoba i tako započeo tridesetogodišnje putovanje. Prvo je našao utočište u Damasku i tamo bio svedok gladi u jednom od najuspešnijih gradova na svetu. Posle zastrašujuće pohare Bagdada 1258. koju su sproveli Hulegu i Ilhanatska horda, Sadi je obišao Jerusalim a potom se otisnuo na hodočašće u Meku i Medinu. Sadi potom odlazi u mamelučki Egipat, na čijem prestolu je bio sultan Bajbars. U Alepu se Sadi pridružuje grupi sufija koji su već vodili ljutu bitku sa krstašima. Potom Sadi odlazi u Tursku, obilazi lučki grad Adanu i bogate gazijske zemljoposednike u Anadoliji. Godina izdavanja: 1612.






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