Naslov (ara)



az-Zuhdî, ‘Uthmān

Opis (eng)

Five reciters from amongst the companions produced a unique text from the first volume, which had been prepared on the orders of Abu Bakr and was kept with Hafsabint Umar. The other copies already in the hands of Muslims in other areas were collected and sent to Medina where, on orders of the Caliph, they were destroyed by burning or boiling. This remains the authoritative text of the Quran to this day.The Quran in its present form is generally considered by academic scholars to record the words spoken by Muhammad because the search for variants in Western academia has not yielded any differences of great significance. Historically, controversy over the content of the Quran has rarely become an issue, although debate does continue on the subject. Year of publishing: 1802/03.

Opis (srp)

Pet recitatora iz kruga pratilaca stvorili su jedinstveni tekst iz prvog toma koji je bio sastavljen po naredbi Abu Bakra a čuvala ga Hafsabint Umar. Drugi primerci već u rukama muslimana u drugim krajevima prikupljeni su i poslati u Medinu gde su, po naredbi halife, spaljeni na lomači ili uništeni vrelom vodom. Tako je do danas sačuvan autoritativni tekst Kurana. Akademski stručnjaci uopšteno smatraju Kuran u današnjem obliku kao zapis reči koje je izgovorio Muhamed jer traganje za varijantama u zapadnim akademskim krugovima nije doprinelo nikakvim razlikama od velikog značaja. U istorijskom smislu, kontroverza o sadržaju Kurana retko je bila predmet iako se o njemu nastavlja rasprava. Godina izdavanja: 1802/03.






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