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ibn ‘Umar, Muṣṭafa

Opis (srp)

Ibn Haldun u svojoj autobiografiji prati trag svojih predaka do vremena Muhameda posredstvom jednog arapskog plemena iz Jemena, tačnije Hadramauta, koje je na početku islamskog osvajanja, u osmom veku, došlo u Španiju. Ovako je to rekao: "I naši preci su iz Haramauta, od Arapa iz Jemena, preko Vaila ibn Hadžara, koji pripada najboljim Arapima, dobroznan i poštovan." Međutim, biograf Mohamad Enan dovodi u pitanje tu tvrdnju, govoreći da su članovi njegove porodice bili Muladi koji su pretendovali na arapsko poreklo kako bi stekli društveni položaj. Enan spominje i dobro dokumentovanu tradiciju baveći se nekim berberskim grupama gde oni lažljivo veličaju sebe nekakvim arapskim poreklom. Datum izdavanja: 1805.

Opis (eng)

In his autobiography, Ibn Khaldun traces his descent back to the time of Muhammad through an Arab tribe from Yemen, specifically Hadhramaut, which cameto Spain in the eighth century at the beginning of the Islamic conquest. In his own words: "And our ancestry is from Hadhramaut, from the Arabs of Yemen, via Wa'ilibnHajar, from the best of the Arabs, well-known and respected.". However, the biographer Mohammad Enan questions his claim, suggesting that his family may have been Muladis who pretended to be of Arab origin in order to gain social status. Enan also mentions a well documented past tradition, concerning certain Berber groups, whereby they delusively "aggrandize" themselves with some Arab ancestry. Year of publishing: 1805.






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