Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, hubz etmek qublah...
The Qur'anic sciences that need to be studied first are the semantic ones, andof those, the study of the meanings of individual words. For the primacy ofacquiring those meanings for someone who seeks to grasp the meanings of the Qur'an as a whole is just like the primacy of acquiring bricks for someone whoseeks to build something. And this science is beneficial not just for knowledge of the Qur'an, rather for all the religious sciences, as the vocabulary of the Qur'an constitutes the cream of the speech of the Arabs and its quintessence, and upon it depend the jurisprudents and the sages for theirrulings and for their wise sayings.
Kuranske nauke, koje treba prve izučavati, jesu semantičke a među njima je proučavanje pojedinačnih reči. Prioritet sticanja njihovog značenja nekome ko traga za zanačenjem celokupnog Kurana nalik je sakupljanju cigala onome koji želi nešto da zida. A ta nauka nije korisna samo za poznavanje Kurana već za sve religijske nauke pošto se rečnik Kuran sastoji od najboljeg govora Arapa i njegovu suštinu i od njega zavise pravnici i mudraci u vladavini i mudrom govoru.
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