Naslov (ara)

Ḥāšiya ‘alā šarḥi l-hidāya li l-Qāḍī Mīr


al-Lārî al-’Anṣārî, Muḥammad Muṣlih ad-din

Opis (eng)

The Shia believe that certain Quranic verses make it clear that only God chooses a vicegerent on Earth, therefore no one else has a choice in the matter. This is why the Shia reject the legitimacy or selection of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman ibn Affan by the people, to represent Islam. Thus the Shia do not consider Ali to be the fourth caliph, rather the first Imam. The Shia believe that there are numerous narrations where Muhammad selected Ali as his successor

Opis (srp)

Šiiti veruju da određeni kuranski stihovi jasno pokazuju da samo Bog bira namesnika na Zemlji pa stoga niko nema pravo izbora u tom pitanju. Zbog toga šiiti odbacuju legitimnost ili ljudski izbor Abu Bakra, Umara i Utmana ibn Afana kako bi predstavili islam. Shodno tome, šiiti ne smatraju Alija četvrtim halifom već prvim imamom. Šiiti veruju da postoje brojne priče u kojima je Muhamed izabrao Alija za svog naslednika.






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