Naslov (ara)



, Tāš Köprü

Opis (srp)

Preporod arapske poezije krajem devetnaestog i početkom dvadesetog veka pre svega se ispoljio u neoklasičnom stilu. Namerno su se koristile teme i forme nekih starih pesnika, a među njima je Hafiz Ibrahim jedan od najboljih primera. Potonji pesnici su odbacili arapski neoklasični stil, mnogi su, nasuprot njoj, tragali za nadahnućem u romantizmu, naročito engleskoj poeziji. Pesnici poput Saida Akla iz Libana, sa bliskim vezama sa Francuskom, bili su pod većim uticajem simbolističkog pokreta. Zajednička tema u velikom delun ove poezije bila je upotreba gazala ili ljubavne pesme kao znak hvale pesnikove otadžbine. To se ispoljava ili kao nacionalizma kod novonastalih država u regiji ili u širem smislu arapski nacionalizam koji naglašava jedinstvo arapskog naroda.

Opis (eng)

The revival of Arabic poetry in the late 19th and early 20th century first displayed a neo-classical style. It consciously used the themes and forms of some of the earliest poets, Hafiz Ibrahim being one of the greatest exponents.Later poets rejected the Arabic neo-classical style, many instead seeking inspiration from romanticism, particularly that of English poetry. Poets such as Sa'id 'Aql from Lebanon, with its closer ties to France, were more influenced by the symbolist movement.A common theme in much of the new poetry was the use of the ghazal or love poem in praise of the poet's homeland. This was manifested either as a nationalism for the newly emerging nation states of the region or in a wider sense as an Arab nationalismemphasising the unity of all Arab people.






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