Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, baraa, taqaba, taqaba n-nam...
ubsm_ljpopovac, Korisnik
Slucaj Iraka ilustruje kako mogu postojati značajne razlike zasnovane na religiji u načinu na koji se arapski govori. (Ova studija je sprovedena pre američke okupacije ove zemlje). U Bagdadu postoji značajna jezička razlika izmedu arapskih hrišćanskih i muslimanskih žitelja grada. Hrišćani u Bagdadu sačinjavaju dobrostojeću zajednicu i njihov dijalekat se razvio od sedelačkog govora gradskog srednjovekovnog Iraka. Tipičan muslimanski dijalekat Bagdada je u grad stigao kasnije i potiče od beduinskog govora.
The case of Iraq illustrates how there can be significant differences in how Arabic is spoken on the basis of religion. (Note that the study referred to here was conducted before the American occupation of the country.) In Baghdad,there are significant linguistic differences between Arabic Christian and Muslim inhabitants of the city. The Christians of Baghdad are a well-established community, and their dialect has evolved from the sedentary vernacular of urban medieval Iraq. The typical Muslim dialect of Baghdad is a more recent arrival in the city and comes from Bedouin speech instead.
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