Kitābu t-taṣdīqāt ma‘a ta‘līqāt
Sayyid ‘Alî,
ibn Hismet ibn Ḥāǧǧ Ḥasan, ‘Alî
Termin šiizam se često pojavljuje u hadisima i četiri puta se javlja u Kuranu; npr. u stihu 37:83 se Avram spominje kao šiit (sledbenik) Noja. Položaj Alija ima podršku u brojnim hadisima, uključujući hadise o jezeru Hum, hadis o dve teške stvari, hadis o peru i hartiji, hadis o pozivu bliskih članova porodice i hadis o dvanaest naslednika. Posebno se hadis i plaštu često spominje kako bi i sunitski i šiitski naučnici prikazali osećanja prema Aliju i njegovoj porodici. Shodno tome, šiiti veruju da su hadisi ahl al-bajt važniji od drugih izvora. Godina izdavanja: 1538.
The term Shiahas widely appeared in hadith and is repeated four times in the Quran; for example verse 37:83 mentions Abraham as a Shia (follower) of Noah. The position of Ali is supported by numerous hadith, including Hadith of the pond of Khumm, Hadith of the two weighty things, Hadith of the pen and paper, Hadith of the invitation of the close families, and Hadith of the Twelve Successors. In particular, the Hadith of the Cloak is often quoted to illustrate Muhammad's feeling towards Ali and his family by both Sunni and Shia scholars. Therefore, the Shia believe that the Ahl al-Bayt hadiths are predominant over the others sources. Year of publishing: 1538.
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Islamic theology
Islamska teologija