Bismi l-Lahi r-rahmani r-rahim nahmaduk ya man bašara l-mu'minin...
, ‘Alî Ibn ‘Uthman ad-Darir al-Hamawî al-Hanafî
Još jedno delo hanefijske pravne škole. Osim hanefijske škole, postoje još tri škole sunitskog zakonodavstva: malikijska, šafijska i hanbalijska. Hanefijska škola je najstarija, osonovao ju je Abu Hanifa koji je živeo 699-767. god. n.e. Puno ime mu je glasilo Numan ibn Tabit ibn Zuta ibn Marzuban. Umro je u zatvoru zbog oružanog otpora protiv Al-Mansura, tadašnjeg abasidskog vladara.
Another work of the Hanafi legal school. Besides of the Hanafi school, there are three more schools of the Suni jurisprudence: Maliki, Shafii, and Hanbali. The Hanafi school was the oldest one, founded by Abu Hanifa who lived from 699-767 AD. His full name was Numān ibn Thābit ibn Zuṭā ibn Marzubān. He died in prison for bearing arms against Al-Mansur, the Abbasid monarch of that time.
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