, Minqārî zāde
The Zaydis narrowed the political claims of the Ali's supporters, claiming that not just any descendant of Ali would be eligible to lead the Muslim community (ummah) but only those males directly descended from Muhammad through the union of Ali and Fatimah. But during the Abbasid revolts, other Shia, who came to be known as Imamiyyah (followers of the imams), followed the theological school of Ja'far al-Sadiq. They asserted a more exalted religious role for imams and insisted that, at any given time, whether in power or not, a single male descendant of Ali and Fatimah was the divinely appointed imam and the sole authority, in his time, on all matters of faith and law. To those Shia, love of the imams and of their persecuted cause became as important as belief in God's oneness and the mission of Muhammad.
Zajdije su suzili politička potraživanja Alijevih sledbenika tvrdeći da ne bi bilo koji Alijev potomak bio prihvatljiv da predvodi islamsku zajednicu (umu) već samo oni muškarci koji vode poreklo neposredno od Muhameda posredstvom zajednice Alija i Fatime. Međutim, tokom abasidskih pobuna, drugi šiiti koji su poznati kao imamije (sledbenici imama), bili su sledbenici teološke škole Džafara as-Sadika. Oni su podržavali uzvišeniju versku ulogu imama i nastojali su da u svakom trenutku, bili na vlasti ili ne, jedan muški potomak Alija i Fatime bude božanski imenovani imam i jedini autoritet, u svoje vreme, za sva pitanja vere i prava. Tim muslimanima je ljubav prema imamima i njihovom cilju koji je predmet progona postala isto toliko važna koliko i vera u Božje jedinstvo i misiju Muhameda.
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