Naslov (ara)

Šarḥu l-basmalati š-šarīfa bi l-funūn al-’iṯnā ‘ašar : wa hiya al-luġa wa l-waḍ‘ wa l-’ištiqāq wa ṣ-ṣarfwa n-naḥw wa l-ma‘ānī wa l-bayān wa l-badī‘ wa manṭiq wa l-munāẓara wa l-kalām wa l-’uṣūl



Opis (srp)

Iako je mala verovatnoća da ćemo ikada saznati značaj uloge koju su muslimani odigrali u razvoju teleskopa, postoji nekoliko zanatskih i naučnih dostignuća koja su otkivena ili usavršena tokom zlatnog doba islama (800-1000. god. n.e.). U tom periodu, islamski naučnici su prevodili grčke, indijske i persijske tekstove, izučavali ih i doprineli novim otkrićima na polju matematike, nauke i medicine. Renesansa i naučna revolucija u Evropi naslonile su se na otkrića i doprinos muslimana na planu matematike i drugih nauka. Međutim, ta postignuća su često obezvređena.

Opis (eng)

Although it is unlikely that we will ever know if the Muslims played a role in the development of the telescope, there are several well documented artistic and scientific accomplishments that were either discovered or perfected during The Golden Age of Islam (800-1000 ). During this time, Islamic scholars translated Greek, Indian and Persian texts, studied them, and helped to further investigations in the areas of math, science and medicine. The Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution in Europe drew upon the discoveries and contributions made by the Muslims to the fields of mathematics and the sciences. Yet these accomplishments often remain unappreciated.






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