Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim wa bihi nastain, al-hamdu l-Lah al-ladi anama alayna...
az-Zarnuhi, Burhan ad-din
ibn Salih, abd al-Fatah
Bez pomoći neobučeni čitalac neće razumeti mnoge hadise koje čita i te greške ako ih prihvati i ne ispravi mogu se nagomilati sve dok se potpuno ne izgubi pa makar bio i naučnik. Takvi hadisi se koriste u sektama od perioda istorijskog vahabijskog pokreta sve do današnjeg dana kako bi se običan svet uverio da većina muslimana uopšte ne treba da budu muslimani već pre mušrikun ili neznabošci i da oni koji se ne povinuju pogledima njihovim šejhova mogu dospeti izvan područja islama. Godina izdavanja: 1784.
Without a guiding hand, the untrained reader will misunderstand many of the hadiths he reads, and these mistakes, if assimilated and left uncorrected, maypile up until he can never find his way out of them, let alone become a scholar. This hadith has been used by sects from the times of the historical Wahhabi movement down to the present to convince common people that the majority of Muslims may not actually be Muslims at all, but rather mushrikin or polytheists, and that those who do not subscribe to the views of their sheikhs may be beyond the pale of Islam. Year of publishing: 1784.
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