Talim al-mutallim
az-Zarnuhi, Burhan ad-din
ibn Salih, abd al-Fatah
The hadith collections contain many interesting points, such as the great rewards for acts of worship like the midmorning prayer (duha), the night vigil prayer (tahajjud), fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, giving voluntary charity, and so on. Anyone who reads these and puts them into practice in his life has an enormous return for reading hadith, even more so if he aims at perfecting himself by attaining the noble character traits of the Prophet mentioned in hadith. Whoever learns and follows the prophetic example in these matters has triumphed in this world and the next. Year of publishing: 1783.
Zbirka hadisa sadrži mnogo zanimljivih tema, kao što su velike nagrade za pobožna dela kao što su molitva u sred jutra (dua), budna noćna molitva (tahadžud), post ponedeljkom i četvrtkom, dobrovoljno davanje milostinje, itd. Svi koji ovo čitaju i primenjuju u vlastitom životu stiču ogromnu dobit dok čitaju hadise čak i više ako nameravaju da se usavršavaju postizanjem plemenitih karakternih osobina proroka spomenutih u hadisima. Svi koji nauče i slede prorokov primer u tim pitanjima trijumfovali su kako u ovom tako i u onom svetu. Godina izdavanja: 1783.
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