Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, amma ba da l-hamdu...
National controversies surrounding the establishment of dynastic rule from Syria, and later from Baghdad, likewise contributed to different conceptions of the Muslim community. Conversion to Islam, a phenomenon that grew enormously with time over the course of the second and third centuries of the Islamic era, influenced the concept of who was a part of the Muslim community.
Nacionalne protivrečnosti koje su okruživale uspostavljanje dinastičke vlasti u Siriji a potom i u Bagdadu isto tako su doprinele različitim shatanjima islamske zajednice. Preobraćenje u islam, fenomen koji je vremenom postajao sve izraženiji tokom drugog i trećeg veka islamske ere, uticao je na shvatanje ko sačinjava islamsku zajednicu.
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