Ḥāšiyatu Iṯbāti l-wāğib
Divorce is an excellent example of an Islamic issue that provides insight into a certain moral perspective. According to Sunni law divorce is permissible, and Muhammad himself married divorcees. However, it is generally advisable to consider alternatives before concluding that a divorce is necessary. These alternatives, such as marital counseling, are advised because while divorce is permitted by Islamic law, it is considered something that God dislikes.
Razvod je odličan primer nekog pitanja u oslamu koje pruža uvid u neku određenu moralnu perspektivu. Na osnovu sunitskog prava, razvod je dozvoljen i Muhamed je lilno venčavao razvedene. Međutim, uopšteno je preporučljivo razmatrati alternative pre nego što se zaključi da je razvod neophodan. Te alternative, kao što je bračno savetovanje, jesu preporučljive zbog toga što se razvod smatra nečim što Bog ne voli iako se islamskim pravom smata dozvoljenim.
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