Naslov (ara)



, ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān

Opis (srp)

Al-Karabisi, čuveni naučnik iz doba Aš-Šafija, rekao je sledeće: "Nisam pristvovao ničemu plemenitijem od Aš-Šafijevih časova. Njima su prisustvovali ljudi koji se bave hadisom, kao i oni koji se bave pravom i poezijom. Većina poznatih naučnika iz oblsti poezije i lingvistike ga je često posećivala i slušala bi njegova predavanja o svim tim disciplinama." Bagdad u Iraku i Kairo u Egiptu bili su glavni centri aktivnosti imama Aš-Šafija. Upravo se iz ta dva grada proširilo učenje Aš-Šafijeve škole. U vreme vladavine sultana Salahudina (Saladina), Aš-Šafijev madhab je bio najistaknutiji u Egiptu i do dan-danas imam džamije Al-Azharuvke pripada šafiitskoj školi a to učenje se vredno izučava zajedno sa onim trima drugim školama među sunitima.

Opis (eng)

Al-Karabissi, a famous scholar of the time of Al-Shafi'i said: "I have seen nothing nobler than Al-Shafi'i's study sessions. People of hadith used to attend them as well as people of jurisprudence and poetry. Most of the well-known scholars in poetry and linguistics used to visit him, and they would listen to his discourse on all these disciplines."Baghdad in Iraq and Cairo in Egypt were the chief centres of Imam Shafiee's activities. It is fromthese two cities that teachings of the Shafi-ee school spread . During thetime of Sultan Salahuddeen (Saladin), the Shafi-eeMadhhab was the most prominent in Egypt, and to this day the Imam of the Al-Azhar Masjid is always a Shafi-ee and the Shafi-eeMadhhab is industriously studied along with that ofthe other three schools of the Sunnis.






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