Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, al-hamdu li man...


ibn Šahsawār Ibn ‘Alî, Yūsuf

Opis (eng)

Al-Shafi'i revival movement had many achievements. He brought people back to follow the Sunnah after a lot of confusion had spread among them.He was committed to relying on evidence, and rejecting blind imitation. He said: "If a hadith is proved authentic, then it becomes my belief." He also said: "If you see that my words contradict the hadith, then apply the hadith and disregard my words".

Opis (srp)

Pokret preporoda na čelu sa Aš-Šafijem imao je mnoge uspehe. Ljude je vratio na put sune pošto se među njima napravila velika zbrka. Posvetio se oslanjanju na dokaz i odbacivanju slepog podražavanja. Rekao je sledeće: "Ako se dokaže da je neki hadis verodostojan, onda ću mu ja poverovati." Rekao je još i ovo: "Ako primetite da moje reči protiv reči hadis ima, onda primenite hadis i odbacite moje reči".






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