Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim wa bihi nastain, subhanah...
What earned Al-Shafi'i the title of the revivalist of the second century was that he was the one who put the fundamentals of jurisprudence (usul Al-Fiqh). Scholars before him used to gather the ahadith they heard in their countries, and when a hadith seemed in contradiction with another, they used their personal judgment to decide which one is the most acceptable.Then at the time of Al-Shafi'i, the Prophet's ahadith were gathered from different countries, and the disagreements among the scholars increased until Al-Shafi'iwrote his famous book, Al-Risalah, which is considered the foundation of Islamic jurisprudence.
Ono što je doprinelo tome da u drugom veku pohidžri Aš-Šafi stekne titulu preporođivača bilo je to da je on postavio osnove pravosuđa (usul al-fikh). Učenjaci pre njega umeli su da sakupe hadise koje su čuli u svojoj zemlji i kada bi jedan hadis naizgled bio protivrečan sa nekim drugim, služili su se ličnim sudom kako bi odlučili koji je najprihvaltjiviji. Tada, u vreme Aš-Šafija, prorokovi hadisi su sakupljeni iz raznih zemalja a među naučnicima se povećavalo neslaganje svedok Aš-Šafi nije napisao čuvenu knjigu Ar-Risala koja se smatra osnovom islamskog pravosuđa.
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