Naslov (ara)



at-Taftāzānî, Sa‘d ad-Dīn

Opis (eng)

After the late 8th century, Euclid's The Elements were translated into Arabic through the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. There are many Arabic editions of and commentaries on The Elements, which shows the influence Euclid had on Islamic mathematics, and especially on Islamic geometry. Muslim mathematicians also had a great respect for Archimedes' On the Sphere and Cylinder. In his preface, Archimedes mentions his discovery of the area of a segment of a parabola; since his treatise on this particular subject was not translated into Arabic, ThābitibnQurra and his grandson IbrāhīmibnSinān searched (with great success) for a proof of Archimedes' result.

Opis (srp)

Krajem osmog veka, Euklidovi Elementi su u Kući mudrosti u Bagdadu prevedeni na arapski. Postoje brojna arapska izdanja i komentari Elemenata što ukazuje na to koliko uticaj je Euklid imao na islamsku matematiku a naročito na geometriju. Muslimanski metamatičari su pokazivali veliko poštovanje prema Arhimedovom delu O lopti i cilindru. U svom predgovoru Arhimed spominje otkriće segmenta parabole; pošto njegov traktat o ovom predmetu nije bio preveden na arapski, Tabit ibn Kura i njegov unuk Ibrahim ibn Sinan tragali su (sa velikim uspehom) za dokazom Arhimedovog otkrića.






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