Hanaš ala šarh risalati l-istiara
, Isam ad-din Ibrahim
, Muhammad abd Allah
Postoje mnoge bitne razlike između ideala naučnika i solucija latinskog Zapada i muslimanskog Istoka; postoje, isto tako, mnogobrojne razlike između raznih slučajeva na koje nailazi stroga logička aktivnost u dva sveta tokom dugog vremenskog perioda. Pre svega, Aristotelova uloga se okončava krajem dvanaestog veka kako bi se značajno prilagodila kod logičara koji pišu na arapskom - to mesto je popunio Avicena. Godina izdavanja: 1713.
There are many important differences between the scholarly ideals and options of the Latin West and the Muslim East; there are, also, many differences between the various fortunes encountered by rigorous logical activity in the two realms over the centuries. First and foremost, Aristotle ceases by the end of the twelfth century to be a significant coordinate for logicians writingin Arabic - that place is filled by Avicenna. Year of publishing: 1713.
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