ibn Ali, Ali
As it was initially spoken, the Quran was recorded on tablets, bones and the wide, flat ends of date palm fronds. Most chapters were in use amongst early Muslims since they are mentioned in numerous sayings by both Sunnī and Šīʿah sources, relating Muhammad's use of the Quran as a call to Islam, the making of prayer and the manner of recitation. However, the Quran did not exist in book form at the time of Muhammad's death in 632. Muhammad's critics, however, accused him of being a possessed man, a soothsayer or a magician since his experiences were similar to those claimed by such figures well-known in ancient Arabia. The Quran states that Muhammad was ummi, interpreted as illiterate in Muslim tradition. According to other interpretation, the meaning of the Quranic term ummi is unscriptured rather than illiterate. Year of publishing: 1543.
Kao što je već rečeno, Kuran je beležen na tablicama, kostima i širokim, ravnim krajevima listova urmine palme. Mnoga poglavlja su bila u upotrebi među ranim muslimanima pošto su spomenuta u brojnim izrekama kako sunitskih tako i šiitskih izvora, odnoseći se na Muhamedovu upotrebu Kurana kao na zov islama, sastavljanja molitve i načina glasnog izgovaranja. Međutim, Kuran nije postojao u formi knjige u vreme Muhamedove smrti 632. godine. Kritičari su optuživali Muhameda, međutim, da je opsednut čovek, vrač ili opsenar pošto su njegova iskustva bila slična onima koja su imale takve ličnosti, dobro poznate u drevnoj Arabiji. Kuran tvrdi da je Muhamed bio umi, što se u islamskoj tradiciji tumači kao nepismen. Po drugom tumačenju, značenje kuranskog termina umi jeste pre onaj koji se ne pridržava nekog svetog spisa nego nepismen. Godina izdavanja: 1543.
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