Šarḥu l-’asmā’ al-ḥusnā
The seminal event in Shia history is the martyrdom in 680 CE at the Battle of Karbala of Ali's son Hussein ibn Ali, who led a non-allegiance movement against the defiant caliph (71 of Hussein's followers were killed as well). Hussein came to symbolize resistance to tyranny.It is believed in Twelver and Ismaili Shia Islam that 'aql, divine wisdom, was the source of the souls of the prophets and imams and gave them esoteric knowledge called ?ikmah and thattheir sufferings were a means of divine grace to their devotees. Although the Imam was not the recipient of a divine revelation, he had a close relationship with God, through which God guides him, and the imam in turn guides the people. Imamate, or belief in the divine guide is a fundamental belief in the Twelver and Ismaili Shia branches and is based on the concept that God would not leave humanity without access to divine guidance.
Prvobitni događaj u šiitskoj istoriji jeste mučeništvo 680. godine naše ere u Bici kod Karbale alijevog sina Huseina ibn Alija koji je predvodio nesaveznički pokret protiv drskog halifa (ubijen je još sedamdeset jedan sledbenik). Husein je postao simbol otpora tiraniji. Postoji uverenje kod duodecimalnih i ismailitskih šiita da akl, božanska mudrost, predstavlja izvorduša proroka i imama i da im pruža ezoterično znanje zvano hikma i da je njihova patnja sredstvo božanske milosti prema sledbenicima. Iako imam nije primio božansko otkrovenje, on je u bliskom odnosu sa Bogom kroz koji ga Bog vodi pa imam, s druge strane, predvodi narod. Imamat ili vera u božansko vođstvo jeste fundamentalno uverenje kod duodecimalaca i ismailita i zasniva se na ideji da Bog neće napustiti čovečanstvo bez pristupa božanskom predvodništvu.
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