Naslov (ara)

Laṭā’if al-minanwa l-’aẖlāq


aš-Ša‘rānî aš-Šāfi‘î, ‘Abd al-Wahhāb Ibn Aḥmad Ibn ‘Alî


ibn Ahmad, Ibrahim

Opis (srp)

Islamska etika, definisana kao dobro vladanje, u istorijskom smislu postepeno je poprimala obris počev od sedmog veka i konačno je ustanovljena do jedanaestog veka. Konačno je oblikovana kao mešavina kuranskog učenja, učenja Muhamedove sune, preteće islamskih pravnika, predislamske arapske tradicije i ne arapskih elemenata uključujući persijske igrčke ideje utisnute ili integrisane u opštu islamsku strukturu. Iako je Muhamedovo učenje proizvelo radikalnu promenu zasnovanu na sankcijama nove religije i strahu od Boga i sudnjeg dana, plemenska praksa Arapa nije potpuno zamrla. Kasnije su muslimanski ucenjaci prilicno detaljno proširili religijsku etiku Kurana i hadisa. Godina izdavanja: 1807.

Opis (eng)

Islamic ethics, defined as "good character," historically tookshape gradually from the 7th century and was finally established by the 11th century. It was eventually shaped as a successful amalgamation of the Qur'anic teachings, the teachings of the Sunnah of Muhammad, the precedents ofIslamic jurists, the pre-IslamicArabian tradition, and non-Arabic elements, including Persian and Greek ideas, embedded in or integrated with a generally Islamic structure. Although Muhammad's preaching produced a radical change in moral values based on the sanctions of the new religion and the present religion, and fear of God and of the Last Judgment, the tribal practice of Arabs did not completely die out. Later Muslim scholars expanded the religiousethic of the Qur'an and Hadith in immense detail. Year of publishing: 1807.






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