Naslov (tur)

Çun sultan-i 'iqlim...



Opis (srp)

Posle nastanka u osmom veku, zasnovana na helenskoj geografiji, islamska geografija bila je pod pokroviteljstvom abasidskih halifa u Bagdadu. Razni islamski naučnici doprineli su njenom razvitku, a medu najistaknutijima su al-Hvarizmi, Abu Zajd al-Balhi (osnivac škole u Balhu) i Abu Rajhan Biruni. Muslimanska geografija dostigla je vrhunac sa pojavom Muhameda al-Idrisija u dvanaestom veku. Kasnija faza razvoja protekla je pod Turcima, naročito za vreme Osmanskog carstva, sa značajnim naučnicima, kao što su Mahmud al-Kašgarii Piri Reis. Islamski kartografi su u devetom stoleću nasledili Ptolomejev Almagest i Geografiju za koje se tvrdi da su podstakli zanimanje za geografiju i kartografiju. Muslimanski naučnici su tada pružili svoj veliki doprinos geografiji i srodnim naukama.

Opis (eng)

After its beginnings in the 8th century based on Hellenistic geography, Islamic geography was patronized by the Abbasidcaliphs of Baghdad. Various Islamic scholars contributed to its development, and the most notable include Al-Khwarizmi, AbuZayd al-Balkhi (founder of the 'Balkhi school') and Abu RayhanBiruni. Muslim geography reached its apex with Muhammad al-Idrisi in the12th century. Later developments took place under Turks, particularly underthe Ottoman Empire, with notable scholars such as Mahmud al-Kashgari and Piri Reis. Islamic cartographers inherited Ptolemy's Almagest and Geographia in the 9th century which is said to have stimulated an interest in geography and map-making. Muslim scientists then made many of their own contributions togeography and the earth sciences.






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