Naslov (ara)

Bismi l-Lahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, al-hamdu li l-Lah Rubbi l-alamin...



Opis (srp)

U šiitskom islamu postoji treća fraza šahade, Ali-un-waliullah, koja izražava značaj imamata. - Osnovna prva fraza La- ilaha-ill-al-lah predstavlja kamen temeljac islama, vera da nema boga osim jednog Boga. To je izražavanje tavhida (Božjeg jedinstva). - Druga fraza, Muhammad-ur -rasul-al-lah, znači Muhamed je Božji prorok, vesnik, učenik. To je prihvatanje nabuvata ili Muhamedovog proroštva. - Na osnovu šiitskog islama, Muhamed je proglasio Alija ibn Abi Taliba za naslednika i rekao da "kome god da sam ja mula (ucitelj), Ali je takođe mula". Shodno tome, oni kažu da je kalema iziskivala produžetak ispovesti treće fraze, Muhammad-ur-rasul-al-lah, što znači Ali je njegov (Božji) vali, onaj ko se stara o njemu, naglašavajući potrebu da je za nastavak vere potreban vali, imami koji se istinski staraju o islamu.

Opis (eng)

In Shia Islam, there is a third phrase of the Shahada, Ali-un-waliullah, whichdepicts the importance of the Imamate. - The fundamental first phrase La-ilaha-ill-al-lah is the foundation stone of Islam, the belief that "there is no god but God". This is the confession of Tawhid. - The second phrase, Mohammad-ur -rasul-al-lah, says "Mohammad is God's Rasul, Nabi, the Messenger,Apostle". This is the acceptance of the "Nabuwat", or prophethood, of Muhammad. - According to Shia Islam, Muhammad declared Ali bin Abu Talib ashis successor and said that "for whoever I am a Moula of them, Ali is his Moula". Hence, they say the Kalema required further confession of the third phrase Ali-un- wali-ul-lah, meaning "Ali is his (Allah's) Wali", its caretaker, stressing the need that for continuation of faith there is a requirement of Wali, the imams which are the real caretakers of Islam.






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