Tewarih-i Al-i 'Abbas
Ibn Khaldun's family, which held many high offices in Andalusia, had emigratedto Tunisia after the fall of Seville to Reconquista forces around themiddle of the 13th century. Under the Tunisian Hafsid dynasty some of his family held political office; IbnKhaldun's father and grandfather however withdrew from political life and joined a mystical order. His brother, YahyaIbnKhaldun, was also a historian who wrote a book on the Abdalwadid dynasty, and who was assassinated by a rival for being the official historiographer of the court.
Ibn Haldunova porodica, koja je držala mnoge visoke položaje, prebegla je u Tunis pošto je Sevilja pala pod naletom rekonkiste oko sredine 13. veka. Pod tunižanskom hafsidskom dinastijom neki članovi njegove porodice su stekli državnu službu; Ibn Haldunov otac i deda, međutim, povukli su se iz političkog života i pristupili mističnom redu. Njegov brat Jahja ibn Haldun bio je takođe istoričar koji je napisao knjigu o dinastiji Abdalvadida a na njega je suparnik izvršio atentat pošto je bio zvanični dvorski istoriograf.
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