Iǧazet nāme
ibn Nūḥ, Isma'il Haqqî
Even prior to Islam's presence, the city of Mecca served as a center of trade in Arabia and Muhammad was a merchant. The tradition of the pilgrimage to Mecca became a center for exchanging ideas and goods. The influence held by Muslim merchants over African-Arabian and Arabian-Asian trade routes was tremendous. As a result, Islamic civilization grew and expanded on the basis of its merchant economy, in contrast to their Christian, Indian and Chinese peers who built societies from an agricultural landholding nobility. Merchantsbrought goods and their faith to China (resulting in a significant population of Chinese Muslims with an estimated 37 million followers, mainly ethnic Turkic Uyghur), India, southeast Asia, and the kingdoms of western Africa and returned with new inventions. Year of publishing: 1896/97.
Meka je i pre pojave islama bila središte trgovine u Arabiji a Muhamed je bio trgovac. Tradicija hodočašća u Meku postala je centar razmene ideja i dobara. Ogroman je bio uticaj koji su muslimanski trgovci ostavljali na afričko-arabijskim i arabijsko-azijskim trgovačkim putevima. Kao rezultat toga, islamska civilizacija je rasla i širila se na osnovu trgovačke privrede, za razliku od hrišćanske, indijske i kineske, gde su se izgradila društva od poljoprivredne zemljoposedničke vlastele. Trgovci su doneli robu i veru u Kinu (što je dovelo do značajnog broja stanovništva kineskih muslimana koje broji oko trideset sedam miliona sledbenika, uglavnom etničkih turskih Ujgura), Indiju, jugoistočnu Aziju i države zapadne Afrike i vratili se sa raznim izumima. Godina izdavanja: 1896/97.
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