Al-Ǧāmi‘ uṣ-ṣaġīr min ḥadīṯi l-bašīri n-nadīr
, Abū Hurayra
ibn Ismā‘īl, ‘Uṯmān
Tradicija o životu Muhameda i istorija ranog islama prenošeni su mahom usmenim putem više od stotinu godina posle Muhamedove smrti 632. n.e. Islamski istoričari kažu da se za halifu Utman ibn Afana (trećeg pravovernog halifu ili trećeg naslednika Muhameda, koji je prethodno bio Muhamedov sekretar) opšte veruje da nagoni muslimane da zabeleže hadise, baš kao što je Muhamed nalagao nekom sledbeniku da zapiše njegove reči i postupke. Utmanova nastojanja su prekinuta ubrzo pošto je ubijen 656. n.e. u rukama ožalošćenih vojnika. Direktno iz tog perioda nisu sačuvani nikakvi izvori pa smo stoga prinuđeni da se oslonimo na ono što nam kasniji autori govore o tom periodu. Godina izdavanja: 1730.
Traditions of the life of Muhammad and the early history of Islam were passed down mostly orally for more than a hundred years after Muhammad's death in AD 632. Muslim historians say that Caliph Uthman ibn Affan (the third khalifa (caliph) of the Rashidun Empire, or third successor of Muhammad, who had formerly been Muhammad's secretary), is generally believed to urge Muslims to record the hadith just as Muhammad suggested to some of his followers to write down his words and actions. Uthman's labours were cut short by his assassination, at the hands of aggrieved soldiers, in 656. No sources survive directly from this period so we are dependent on what later writers tell us about this period. Year of publishing: 1730.
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