Hašiyatu šarh al-hayali
, Qarakamal
Hadž se zasniva na hodočašću koje je bilo drevni običaj čak i u Muhemedovo vreme u sedmom veku naše ere. Na osnovu hadisa, elementi hadža vode poreklo sve do vremena Avrama (Ibrahima) oko 2000. godine pre nove ere. Avramova žena Sara nije mogla da zatrudni i na njen zahtev Avram je uzeo njenu sluškinju Hagaru kao drugu ženu. Hagara je Avramu rodila sina Ismaila. Veruje se da je Bog naredio Avramu da ostavi Hagar (Hadžar) i Ismaila u pustinji. U potrazi za skloništem, hranom i vodom, Hagar je trcala sa sinom sedam puta tamo-amo izmedu brda Safa i Marva, postavila bebu na pesak i zatražila pomoć od Boga. Beba je zaplakala u petom udarila o tle (neke verzije priče govore da je anđeo Gavrilo (Džibril) stopalom ii vrhom krila zagrebao po zemlji) pa je izvor Zamzam čudesno pokuljao.
The Hajj is based on a pilgrimage that was ancient even in the time of Muhammad in the 7thCentury. According to Hadith, elements of the Hajj trace back to the time of Abraham (Ibrahim), around 2000 BCE. Abraham's wife, Sarah,was unable to conceive, and upon her request, Abraham had taken their female servant, Hagar, as a second wife. Hagar bore Abraham a son, Ishmael. Itis believed that Abraham was ordered by God to leave Hagar (Hajar) and Ishmael ('Isma?il) alone in the desert. Looking for shelter, food and water, Hagar ran back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times with her son. In desperation, she laid the baby on the sand and begged for God's assistance. The baby cried and hit the ground with his heel (some versions of the story say that the angelGabriel (Jibril) scraped his foot or the tip of his wing along the ground), and the Zamzam Well miraculously sprang forth.
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