Naslov (ara)



al-Abhari, Atir ad-din

Opis (srp)

Isagogi ili Uvod u Aristotelove Kategorije, koje je na grčkom napisao Porfirije a na latinski preveo Beotije, bio je standardni udžbenik logike najmanje još čitav milenijum posle njegove smrti. Sačinio ga je Profirije na Siciliji izmedu 268. i 270. god. n.e. i, na osnovu tvrdnji drevnih komentatora Amonija, Ilije i Davida, poslao u Hrizaorion. U delu se nalazi veoma uticajna klasifikacija rodova i vrsta od supstance uopšte do pojedinaca, poznata kao Porfirijevo drvo, i uvod u kojem se spominje problem univerzalija.

Opis (eng)

The Isagoge or "Introduction" to Aristotle's "Categories", written by Porphyry in Greek and translated into Latin by Boethius, was the standard textbook on logic for at least a millennium after his death. It was composed by Porphyry in Sicily during the years 268-270, and sent to Chrysaorium, according to all the ancient commentators Ammonius, Elias, and David. The work includes the highly influential hierarchical classification ofgenera and species from substance in general down to individuals, known as the Tree of Porphyry, and an introduction which mentions the problem of universals.






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