[... al-hamdu li l-Lah Rabbi al-alamin wa s-sala wa s-salam ala sayyidina...]
Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad practiced, taught, and disseminated the worship ritual in the whole community of Muslims and made it part of theirlife. The practice has, therefore, been concurrently and perpetually practiced by the community in each of the generations. The authority for the basic forms of the prayers is neither the hadiths nor the Qur'an, but rather the consensus of Muslims. Differences also occur due to optional (recommended rather than obligatory) articles of prayer procedure, for example, which verses of the Qur'an to recite.
Muslimani veruju da je prorok Muhamed praktikovao, podučavao i širio versku praksu celom islamskoj zajednicom i da ju je uveo u njihov život. Stoga se ta praksa istovremeno i neprekidno sprovodi u zajednici tokom svih generacija. Autoritet za osnovne forme molitava nisu ni hadisi ni Kuran već saglasnost muslimana. Razlike nastaju isto tako zahvaljujući neobaveznim (preporučenim a ne obaveznim) člancima o izvođenju molitve, npr. koje stihove Kurana valja izgovarati.
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